• MMCC’s Headquarter: The HQ of the organization is in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Global Presence: Since 2002 MMCC with its main activities has been present in Afghanistan but also has made numerous tours, workshops, presentations and exhibitions in over 20 countries.
  • Afghanistan: Main Showcase and the Social Circus school of MMCC is in Kabul with additional 4 regional centers in 4 zones of Afghanistan (Balkh, Bamyab, Herat and Nangarhar)
  • Bangladesh: We have made performances and workshops for over 8000 children of Rohingya camps in Cox-Bazar and also initiated children’s performing teams in 2017.
  • New frontiers: We are currently investigating new horizons to discover. Our new 3 years strategy includes bringing our capacities and services to many more children in troublesome countries.
  • Refugee Camps: Since 2002 we have developed and implemented numerous project for children and youth of different refugee camps with support by different NGO’s, UN agencies and governments.

Global Presence

Since 2002 introducing and promoting our new approach and pedagogy

  • PERFORMANCES: Total 3.8 audience mainly in Afghanistan and also in other countries such as Bangladesh
  • WORKSHOPS: MMCC has conducted hundreds of different workshops for children, trainers, staff  and child educators of many organizations and even master trainers mainly in Afghanistan and also in countries such as Bangladesh, India and Cambodia.
  • TOURS: MMCC’s children and youth artists in different teams of up to 16 artists have made workshops and performances in Japan, Denmark, India, Germany, Italy, Bangladesh and Cambodia.
  • EXHIBITIONS & LECTURES: MMCC has made Multiple Exhibitions, Lectures and Presentations in Denmark, Netherlands, Afghanistan, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Malaysia, Palestine, Singapore, Dubai and Spain.


40 Years of War majority under 16 years

Our Educational shows alone have reached over 3.8 million live audience and our daily simultaneous activities in 6 regions of Afghanistan has 1500 participant children. MMCC has become a treasure of hope, fun, joy as well as trauma therapy and psycho-social help for so many children.

All the activities in Afghanistan are now fully implemented by MMCC’s local partner, AECC (Afghan Educational Children Cicus). AECC was established in 2009 to ensure the activities initiated by MMCC can continue for many years to come. The program in Afghanistan is the corner-stone of MMCC, who therefore also continue to both supervise and financially secure the basic needs of AECC’s National Program by donations.


Please view the latest annual report of AECC:


1 million Rohingya refugees – 600,000 children.

The world’s biggest refugee camp. Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar, in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh. THIS needs a circus to bring some smiles and fun. In February 2018, MMCC with a team of four Afghan circus trainers performed, trained a local Circus team and introduced and initiated Social Circus for more than 10,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. To enable the activities to continue we also build a Circus Dome next to the school run by our host and local partner, Moonlight Development Foundation, MDF.

The Bangladesh initiative served as a pilot for MMCC’s plans for expanding activities to more countries by using the methodology and strategies developed in Afghanistan over the past 15 years. MMCC’s new strategy was thereby developed based on the success and lessons learned in Bangladesh.

The activities in Bangladesh were implemented in partnership with Moonlight Development Foundation, MDF Financially the Bangladesh initiative was enabled thanks to support from Mustard Seed Trust Fund.

We welcome any new partnerships for initiating such activities in Bangladesh as well as any refugee camps anywhere in the world.

New Frontiers:

providing all our resources and skills for as many children and youth as possible

Since 2002 MMCC has been developing its systems and pedagogy and with its accumulated experiences is pioneering the new frontiers.

MMCC’s strategy for 2020 & 201 includes:

  • Establishing an African headquarter as a main center for developing and disseminating activities in Africa.
  • Implementing social circus activities in multiple refugee camps in Africa.
  • Creating an expansion model to sustain spreading our pedagogy and methods in the region.

For more information, suggests and inquiries for Africa (or other regions) email us: info@MMCCglobal.org

Refugee Camps

70.8 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide!

refugee camp is a temporary settlement built to receive refugees and people in refugee-like situations. Refugee camps usually accommodate displaced persons who have fled their home country, but there are also camps for “IDPInternally Displaced people.

MMCC has over a decade of experience in working with children and youth of such camps in different provinces of Afghanistan and Bangladesh as well. The work of MMCC in these harsh environments have been mainly focused on:

  1. Educating life skills such as hygiene, landmine awareness and peace education by workshops and performances.
  2. Distracting from the war and traumas and bringing joy and hope and laughter and fun.
  3. Socializing and organizing the children and youth to be positive leaders of their communities instead of war victims.

Some of MMCC’s partners and sponsors in these projects have been: WHH, UNICEF, WHO, WarChild and Solidarites International .