Philanthropy & Partnerships

Become a Partner
Supporting as a Company
Pro Bono Services
Help as a Foundation
Endowments for a Good Cause
Your Legacy

love of humanity and investing on underprivileged children and youth

Your support is guaranteed to have the absolute best results as we keep being on the field and as close to the children who receive your support. We make sure to spend your funds as efficient and wise and sustain the activities. We also invite you to visit us on the filed (in person or online) to share with you our passion of humanitarian work.

Our keywords of all our activities are: Sustainability – Local Ownership – Joyful Pedagogy – Integrated – Capacity Building – Multiplication – Therapeutic 


Joining our different capacities for better achievements

Since 2002 we have partnered with many organizations and implemented numerous projects for youth and children. Partners such as UNICEF, WHH and Save The Children, each with their different capacities and expertise joined with us to make positive changes in millions of children’s lives in some of the harshest environments.

We always looking for new partnerships to expand and improve our activities and we welcome any new initiatives.


Join us to make a happier world for children

Since 2002 many companies have contributed to a happier world for millions of children and youth by supporting MMCC. Together we develop a perfect CSR for any involvements from corporate donations to staff initiatives, cause-related marketing, capacity building or even a joint project.

There are many ways of supporting each other by developing ideas  and projects and implementing them to create a happier world especially for children and youth of war. The better a project suits your focus, the more you will enjoy getting involved with a sustainable effect and long lasting results.

Please give us a call or send us an email to start some initial ideas and inspirations.  Tel: +34612207727


Doing what you do the best to make a happier world

We always need professionals to provide us various services from logistic and construction to IT, promotion and juristic. These services are all directly related to the work we do for the children and all the supporting infrastructures it needs in different parts of the world. Your Pro Bono service is not just saving the funds it would cost us but adding up very precious human values into our work.

Let us know about your field of expertise and potential services you could contribute to our work. We can together develop and define a very productive and satisfactory Pro Bono service for the work we do for the children.


To make the world a better place for thousands of children

Our entire international team, tens of colleagues and hundreds of volunteers together with nearly 2 decades of experience welcome your support for children and youth. We have all the capacities required for developing and implementing successful projects with your support. 

Pleas contact us for any support of actual or future programs and projects.

Email: Tel: +34612207727


what is your dream and what do you like to do for children?

There are so much can be done as the needs are endless. Our entire international team, tens of colleagues and hundreds of volunteers together with nearly 2 decades of experience are at your disposal to serve the underprivileged children.

Let us know your field of interest and how you would like to endow for a good cause and let us together start the adventure. It all starts with contacting us and giving us some initial ideas for brainstorming together and developing a unique program. Email: Tel: +34612207727


The most rewarding investment possible

How you make your will is a very important and personal matter. Investing it on children and youth specially the underprivileged ones suffered by wars is one of the most impactful options. Our work for these children and youth guarantees the highest efficiency and sustainability by providing the skills and experiences of joy and hope which stays with them for rest of their lives. Supporting any of our projects in any ways and any periods of time is a most rewarding investment we can imagine whose beneficiaries are not only the children alone but the entire communities.

Please give us a call or send an email if you would like an initial overview of your possibilities, such as starting your own foundation and set up MMCCglobal as the heir.  Tel: +34612207727