MMCC Global

We Take Children Seriously

Since 2002

Get To Know More About Us

Who We Are

Effective Approach

Our pedagogy, approach and the way we work is so radically different, effective, sustainable and reaches very large number of children.

Our Organization

Established in 2002, it reached over 4 million children, introducing, developing, and promoting a unique system of managing and implementing children’s activities.

Why Choose Us

This is what our pedagogy is about, to bring educational entertainment and fun with personal and social development together. The joy and laughter with art and fun are our tool by which we reach children, bring them hope, self-confidence, life skills and social skills and a positive approach.

The way our finances, activities, management and administrations are structured make our work very effective. Promoting a culture of local ownership with local participation is the main key to this affectivity.

We purchase and spend locally, by locals and from locals and for locals which make it all so cost efficient. Most of our activities are basically introductions, inspirations, training and skill developing. This means the results of our activities go far beyond the time and space of any project and beneficiaries.

We have a long history of working with many different sponsors and partners who have all trust our work. We have developed a very transparent system of management, accounting and activity implementation for a much easier monitoring.

Since 2002 we have had all kind of imaginable experiences and accumulated all required skills for solving any problems and making any projects a success.

The annual membership fee is 15 Euro/15 USD/100 DKK. To become a member, please click here:

Current Students
Years of Experience
Direct Beneficiaries
0 M
Active Teams
various Workshops

Social Circus Pedagogy

Our pedagogy is developed for disadvantaged children and youth of war where all the other pedagogies, training’s and trauma therapies fail. The activities themselves can be anything from physical arts, challenging athletic and technical skills and social games to even singing and painting together. However the activities are implemented “Social Circusly” to bring hope, joy and as positive sense of belonging and solidarity.

What people say

I was so delighted to hear of the work of the MMCC and hope any and all will contribute donations and love for this important work. This is the kind of invasion that makes me excited to be living today. Come on board and touch the forces for peace, justice and care for all people.
Dr. Patch Adams
Physician, Comedian, Social Activist, Clown
Unfortunately, there are only five stars, for if there were ever an organization that deserved an even higher rating, it would be the MMCC. Kudos to the staff for their ongoing work shaping future generations.
Steven Ragatz
Cirque du Soleil Artist
The MMCC has gone beyond just a “proof of test” for humanitarian aid to being a community model that can deliver on children’s needs in the most adverse and resource-tight context.
MMCC do amazing work building social capital in one of the hardest places to make a difference. We have been following their work for years. Keep up the good work!
Catherine Barr Randall
Services & Consulting at Upmrkt Services